-Management of cyber centers and cyber cafes to be in professional managers with extensive knowledge in this field.
-Workers foreigners are not allowed to work in the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Operators and cyber cafe cyber center shall have sufficient employees at all times to monitor all activities of the center of the cyber and cyber cafe.
-Primary or core business activities of the cyber center and cyber cafe is limited to activities and information dissemination via the Internet only. Other activities are not allowed at all, especially in the form of entertainment as follows:
Video game;
Pornographic pictures;
Music (pipe music);
Sales of printed materials, especially those containing negative elements, and
Other form of entertainment activities.
-Operators and cyber cafe cyber centers shall also be responsible for, ensuring there are no unhealthy activities happening in the cyber center and cyber cafe. Immediate action be taken in case such unhealthy activities involving their clients.
-Hours of operation for the cyber center and cyber cafe is limited to only 12.00 midnight.
-For guests under the age of 18 years, they are only allowed to visit the cyber center and cyber cafe until 10.00 pm only.
-Cyber-center and cyber cafe is only open to guests aged 18 and above. However, those aged under 18 years allowed to visit the center and cyber cafe cyber accompanied by parent or guardian.
-Students who are dressed in school uniform is not allowed to enter the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Cyber-center and cyber cafe is only allowed to operate on the ground floor, the premises must be open to the bright lighting and the use of tinted glass is prohibited.
-Position the computer for the purpose of browsing the Internet should be separate from other ancillary activities, and it shall be placed in open space, which is not berbilik and no door.
Cyber-center and cyber cafe are not allowed to operate close to sensitive areas such as mosques and other areas deemed not appropriate by the licensing officer.
-A license issued by local authorities to be displayed in a conspicuous place. License will be revoked if the conditions specified in the guidelines are not followed.
-Sale of liquor and cigarettes are strictly prohibited in the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Customer is prohibited to bring in any alcoholic beverages and cigarettes from the outside.
-Operators shall provide a book-entry records of clients for review by the authorities at any time.
-Notice notification (the terms of use / regulations cyber cafe) to be displayed at the entrance of the premises include the following:
type of services rendered;
rates or charges, and
prohibitions such as gambling, smoking, showing pornographic materials, including downloading of these materials.
-Operators of cyber center and cyber cafe should take note of the aspects of hygiene by providing trash bins and public toilets adequate.
-The premises shall conform to the terms of use and building approvals have been determined and any modifications to the building must obtain prior approval from local authorities.
-The premises used must have security features that are allowed by the authorities including the Department of Health, Malaysia Fire and Rescue Department, Police and Local Authorities.
-Action to close business premises and cyber cafe cyber center will be carried out if the operators of cyber center and cyber cafe is a violation of the conditions stipulated in the guidelines.
-The Ministry reserves the right to approve / reject any application without assigning any reason.
-Application for a license will be rejected if there are any premises in operation prior to approval.
-The Ministry may at any time if necessary, require the operators of Internet services centers provide more details about their business.
-Ministry of Local Government and Housing and the Local Authority has the right to provide checks on licensed premises at any time.
More information:Rules of cyber cafe
Hi Gan Sik,
ReplyDeleteDo you have a reliable source for the regulations you mentioned above? The link of 'Rules of cyber cafe' seems to be for India, not Malaysia.