From last week, we are discuss the different or Cyber cafe, Cyber center and also Gaming center. After that, we have did this survey form for some visitor to vote what computer center their actually going.

After one week, we have analysis the result. Above the pie chat show that sixty percent of people are going Gaming center. For people who vote Gaming center roughly is teenage. This is because they like to go Gaming center play game with their friend. Beside that, Gaming center also provide local area network(LAN) to connect with other Gaming center for them play mutiplayer game.
The other 40 percent or people are choosing Cyber cafe and Cyber center. Cyber cafe is a cafe that provide Internet service. people can having their meal while using the Internet service provide. Cyber center is most likely the Cyber cafe, the different is Cyber center are not selling food. Some Cyber center is also no food allow. The people whos going Cyber center mostly is for Email, Fax, Printing service.
And the result of Not sure 0 percent. Therefore, we assume that all visitor are clearly understand the different of Gamming center, Cyber cafe and Cyber center.
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