Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
A cyber cafe standard requirements
-Management of cyber centers and cyber cafes to be in professional managers with extensive knowledge in this field.
-Workers foreigners are not allowed to work in the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Operators and cyber cafe cyber center shall have sufficient employees at all times to monitor all activities of the center of the cyber and cyber cafe.
-Primary or core business activities of the cyber center and cyber cafe is limited to activities and information dissemination via the Internet only. Other activities are not allowed at all, especially in the form of entertainment as follows:
Video game;
Pornographic pictures;
Music (pipe music);
Sales of printed materials, especially those containing negative elements, and
Other form of entertainment activities.
-Operators and cyber cafe cyber centers shall also be responsible for, ensuring there are no unhealthy activities happening in the cyber center and cyber cafe. Immediate action be taken in case such unhealthy activities involving their clients.
-Hours of operation for the cyber center and cyber cafe is limited to only 12.00 midnight.
-For guests under the age of 18 years, they are only allowed to visit the cyber center and cyber cafe until 10.00 pm only.
-Cyber-center and cyber cafe is only open to guests aged 18 and above. However, those aged under 18 years allowed to visit the center and cyber cafe cyber accompanied by parent or guardian.
-Students who are dressed in school uniform is not allowed to enter the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Cyber-center and cyber cafe is only allowed to operate on the ground floor, the premises must be open to the bright lighting and the use of tinted glass is prohibited.
-Position the computer for the purpose of browsing the Internet should be separate from other ancillary activities, and it shall be placed in open space, which is not berbilik and no door.
Cyber-center and cyber cafe are not allowed to operate close to sensitive areas such as mosques and other areas deemed not appropriate by the licensing officer.
-A license issued by local authorities to be displayed in a conspicuous place. License will be revoked if the conditions specified in the guidelines are not followed.
-Sale of liquor and cigarettes are strictly prohibited in the cyber center and cyber cafe.
-Customer is prohibited to bring in any alcoholic beverages and cigarettes from the outside.
-Operators shall provide a book-entry records of clients for review by the authorities at any time.
-Notice notification (the terms of use / regulations cyber cafe) to be displayed at the entrance of the premises include the following:
type of services rendered;
rates or charges, and
prohibitions such as gambling, smoking, showing pornographic materials, including downloading of these materials.
-Operators of cyber center and cyber cafe should take note of the aspects of hygiene by providing trash bins and public toilets adequate.
-The premises shall conform to the terms of use and building approvals have been determined and any modifications to the building must obtain prior approval from local authorities.
-The premises used must have security features that are allowed by the authorities including the Department of Health, Malaysia Fire and Rescue Department, Police and Local Authorities.
-Action to close business premises and cyber cafe cyber center will be carried out if the operators of cyber center and cyber cafe is a violation of the conditions stipulated in the guidelines.
-The Ministry reserves the right to approve / reject any application without assigning any reason.
-Application for a license will be rejected if there are any premises in operation prior to approval.
-The Ministry may at any time if necessary, require the operators of Internet services centers provide more details about their business.
-Ministry of Local Government and Housing and the Local Authority has the right to provide checks on licensed premises at any time.
More information:Rules of cyber cafe
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Poll question analysis

Question that poll we ask."Do you think before go to a cyber cafe?

Result shown above that cyber cafe users are not all time thinking for danger when choosing a cyber cafe to use. this may cause their self have some trouble if something happening. So here we are notice to user of cyber cafe should think before go to a cyber cafe.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
News of No new licenses cybercafes in Malacca
Malacca Historic City Council, Alor Gajah Municipal Council, Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council and Municipal Majis Jasin decided not to issue the new license cyber cafes in their respective areas.
All four of the same local authority will also monitor and take stern action against cyber cafe operators who violate the regulations.
A total of 266 licensed cafes in the state will be monitored closely to ensure that it is not misused for illegal gambling activities.
Earlier, about 40 raids were conducted and over 300 sets of computers, including the central processing unit (CPU) is believed to be used for the purpose of illegal gambling at cyber cafes have been seized by the four local authorities since two weeks ago.
Mayor of Malacca, Datuk Zainal Abu said, of 161 cyber cafes approved license Malacca Historical City Council (MBMB), but the new license will not be issued again after this.
We are now more focused on monitoring the activities of cyber cafes as well as the making raids on premises that carry out illegal activities, he said when contacted yesterday.
According to Zainal again, since early last month, more than 20 raids have been conducted and a total of 28 premises have been subjected to cyber cafes, including a total of 90 computers were seized and a total of 88 CPU units believed to be used for illegal gambling purposes.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Stay away from gambling activities in the Cyber Cafe
Original existence of cyber cafes is to provide the Internet to anyone who does not have Internet access at home. In addition to surfing the Internet, visitors can also play computer games available. Thus, the crowds of visitors who come to cafes to do their business related to the Internet.
When the world is expanding, increasingly technological, of course peruntuh social phenomenon will grow the same. Not merely as the various forms of Internet content to be a threat to society. Now, computer machines connected cybercafe network system can offer up to a networked computer game of gambling.
Calling simple. Keep all gambling activity, whether conventional or electronic form.
In a book called the Holy Road PSD writings Wan Omar Wan Mohd Ruzlan Publications PTS issue, the author explains that people who gamble trying to be lazy and just hope for the destiny alone. It will motivate a person to be greedy and selfish, as well as to cause enmity among people. To make matters worse gambling will also cause damage to the household as well as the impact of economic development when a person is declared bankrupt due to gambling debt burden.
So, not damaged cyber cafe business with electronic gambling. Cyber cafes should be a place to surf the Internet and obtain information can be subjected to close and seize where gambling activities are provided. This will only inconvenience everyone.
The law is very clear when stated in Section 4 (1) (b) Entertainment Enactment 1993 and Section 4B (a) the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953. If convicted, a gambler will be fined a maximum of RM100, 000 and imprisonment not exceeding five years. The penalty to the owner of the premises established.
More information:Gaming Law not in Malaysia country
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Choosing a safe cyber cafe to use
If the intenet café is run by a human, then ask questions. Can I use a usb drive? Can I use gmail/yahoo, my blog site? etc,. And, do you have Anti virus protection? With that settled, are there other travellers in there doing the same thing you want to do? Or is the place full of dodgy people typing from lists, and or girls modeling in front of old men on web cams. If either is the case, I would advise finding another place to blog from.
Lastly when it comes to finding the best café to write your travel blog from timing can be important. In some parts of the world electricity is rationed. Or there are black outs. Ask if they have a generator and or perhaps more importantly if they have fuel. Also if it works and will they switch it on!
Bandwidth (internet speed) is often dominated by the amount of people in the café, if you are uploading photos choose a time when there are less travellers in the café. Early morning is usually good.
Some tips once inside an internet cafe:
If you have a bag, put it between your legs. It’s easy to become distracted and lost in blogging, that someone can pick through it or remove it.
Pick a computer with a partition on both sides to prevent the pervert next to you peeking at your screen.
If someone is staring at your screen, stare right back at them between the eyes until they look away. If they do it again, loudly (not shouting) tell them to stop looking at your screen (this usually works). If they do it again. Shut up shop, ask to me moved, or leave.
If there are two annoying tourists on either side of you talking away, tell them to please be quiet and that you are trying to concentrate. If they continue, move and make a point in saying why. That usually shuts them up too.
Avoid sitting next to people on Skype or cafés filled with them. It’s noisy, distracting and they are using a lot of bandwidth.
More information:Security using public pc
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Poll chat result and analysis

This week our poll question is about the post on our blog FIFA12. It is the latest sports game for the football fan.

This pie analysis chart shown all of the people are like to play the FIFA12 sport game.100% of vote at interesting. FIFA 12 interesting is because it brings to the pitch the game-changing new Player Impact Engine, a physics engine built to deliver real-world physicality in every interaction on the pitch.